Wood Chips


Wood Chips: Landscaper’s Superpower Trio!

1. Weed Warrior & Hydration Hero: These tiny sponges smother weeds & retain moisture, saving you time, clients happier, plants thriving! Bonus – temperature protection year-round.

2. Cost-Effective Champion: Renewable, bulk savings boost profits, less weeding means more time for projects. Win-win!

3. Visual Versatility: Rustic borders, vibrant pathways, endless options to elevate landscapes & attract clients. Beauty & budget, meet wood chips!

CMX Outdoor: Your landscaping haven awaits! High-quality products, expert advice, and friendly service for your dream oasis. Visit today!


We provide commercial or industrial landscaping products now, there’s a good chance that you want to keep that opportunity in the back of your mind for the future.

Yes we deliver, please call us at 291 392 8060

Our streamlined curbside pickup service ensures a quick and hassle-free experience for small or large orders.

Great price and excellent customer service!
So refreshing to finally find a local supplier with a great selection, awesome service and fantastic people. My go to for my customers Backyard solutions. Thank you!
Friendly and helpful staff, good product selection and fair pricing.